Technical Services


Celerity Technical Services provides a comprehensive set of solutions to support customers throughout the service lifecycle of their aviation assets. Our broad range of in-house capabilities allows us to meet our organic requirements while satisfying the technical and geographic needs of our many partners and customers. With decades of experience, our team is adept at delivering results that successfully address both the operational and financial goals of our customers.

The focus of our services:

  • ACM:  Aircraft Completion Management
  • EIS: Entry-Into-Service
  • AEL: Aircraft & Engine Leasing Management
  • AEM: Aircraft & Engine Maintenance Management
  • CAMO: Continued Airworthiness Management (CAMO)
  • AET: Aircraft & Engine Transition Management
  • EOL: End-of-Life Management
  • ACM
  • EIS
  • AEL
  • AEM
  • CAMO
  • AET
  • EOL
  • Celerity BPO ( Consulting)

Aircraft Completion Management

At Celerity Technical Services we begin working with our clients and their marketing team long before we take possession of an airplane. It starts with the development of a detailed plan looking to de-risk the project. From VIP configurations to freighter conversion, every detail represents a risk and opportunity to optimize cost and schedule.

  • Build a detailed requirements document
  • Assemble the project team
  • Conduct the engineering design
  • Select the facilities and material to optimize budget & schedule
  • Deploy the quality assurance plan inspection and acceptance
  • Implement a preservation strategy for all critical systems


Celerity Technical Services assists clients before aircraft delivery to ensure a smooth entry-into-service, connecting them with our experts to empower their team during this strategic stage. Our EIS team is proficient in both new and used aircraft and engines, and has devoted years to new aircraft introduction and fleet transitions. 
Celerity is ready to assist customers with their Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier and Embraer EIS needs, guiding them to safe and robust start of operations. We’ll familiarize their teams with the chosen aircraft and the airframer interfaces, and assist them in preparing materials, spares, aircraft manuals, tooling and training.

  • Fleet readiness plan
  • Commercial support
  • Aircraft inspection and delivery
  • On-site technical & engineering
  • Initial provisioning solutions & material support
  • Training standards

Aircraft & Engine Leasing Management

The Celerity Technical Services leasing platform has been designed to address all facets of aircraft and engine leasing. We actively obtain commercial aircraft and engines on and off lease from around the world, service the aircraft and engines through the lease term, manage risks, and monetize assets to enhance returns for our investors and partners.


Active engagement in:            

  • Lease management
  • Aircraft & engines remarketing and trading
  • Technical advisory
  • Investor services

Aircraft & Engine Maintenance Management

The expert maintenance professionals at Celerity Technical Services have the expertise to manage the complexity and regulatory compliance requirements of aircraft and engines. Our experience in building or augmenting maintenance teams and programs to manage scheduled, ad-hoc-incidents or post-service issues results in achieving asset performance targets in flight hours, number of cycles and on-wing performance. Our exceptional global network and access to critical material allows our team to help our clients achieve high levels of asset yield / availability.


Our focus:            

  • Maintenance program design
  • On-site teardown and tabletop presentation
  • Aircraft / engine scheduled scope review
  • Aircraft non-routine / engine shop report review
  • Aircraft / engine records review during aircraft delivery
  • Digital records creation and management
  • Audits of life-limited parts (LLPs)
  • Aircraft & engine pre-purchase inspection
  • Maintenance reserve / warranty claims analysis
  • Asset redelivery workshop management and assessment
  • Spare parts

Continued Airworthiness Management (CAMO)

As both a user and provider of CAMO services, Celerity Technical Services understands the importance of airworthiness. We focus on supporting the owners of aircraft in fulfilling their numerous legal and technical requirements, assuring a safe aircraft for operations. Whether working with the aircraft owner, a bank or leasing company, or augmenting an airline’s CAMO capabilities, Celerity provides a broad range of services.

  • Continuing Airworthiness Management of the aircraft (in service or storage)
  • Airworthiness Review Certificate (ARCs) issue and renewal (as required)
  • Assistance for Certificate of Airworthiness renewals and financier evaluations
  • Aircraft maintenance program development, management and periodic review
  • Airworthiness Directive (AD) and Service Bulletin (SB) review and integration
  • Secure technical records management (aircraft logbooks and records)
  • Electronic records management updating and revision audits
  • Deferred defect management
  • Production of maintenance work packages and invoice reviews
  • Aircraft damage assessment and mapping
  • Reliability monitoring
  • Regulatory authority liaison
  • Pending maintenance and forecast projections
  • Current Airworthiness Directive (AD) and Service Bulletin (SB) status report
  • Long-term maintenance forecast

Aircraft & Engine Transition Management

Celerity Technical Services support team assists asset transition between customers and owners representing the owners or the buyer or operators of the asset. We offer a broad range of services that enhance every aspect of the transition management process, from moving an aircraft and carrying out an inspection to project management and the on-site provision of personnel. 
Our team and fully qualified partners have the experience and technical expertise to meet the global demand and our customer requirements. We provide turnkey service or argument our clients’ teams to support the following services:

  • Aircraft Delivery and Transitions
  • Ferry Flights
  • Airframe Reps
  • Records Review
  • Engine Reps
  • Engine Borescope Services
  • Design Engineering Services
  • CAMO Services
  • Demonstration and Observation Flights
  • Pre-purchase and Mid-lease Inspections
  • New Order Production Representation
  • IAA SP1A Accepted Technical Organization
  • Importation of Aircraft into EASA Member States
  • Quality Assurance Inspections (DARs)
  • Aircraft End of Life Support Service
  • Mid-term and Annual Audits
  • Maintenance Events representation
  • Engine Shop Visits
  • Field Service and Entry into Service Support
  • Sheetmetal and Structures Reviews

End-of-Life Management

Celerity Technical Services delivers a multidisciplinary approach to aircraft decommissioning, disassembly and recycling. This professional EOL management team has expertise in materials management, environmental, operational, safety, legal and commercial / economic requirements and related challenges. Our approach integrates processes and requirements endorsed by the Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association (AFRA), ICAO and IATA. We offer comprehensive end-of-service aircraft management solutions which maximize the cash flow and profitability of our customers while reducing overhead costs.


Celerity Technical Services delivers the following aircraft End-of-Life services:            

  • Aircraft End-of-Life consulting and support
  • Aircraft teardown, disassembly and recycling
  • Marketing and sales of removed aircraft parts and components
  • Logistics and inventory management for removed aircraft components
  • Aircraft parts inspection and trace verification
  • Repair, overhaul and recertification of dismantled aircraft parts and components



Celerity Consulting stands ready to assist clients in implementing these technical asset management and transition services in a fashion that fits the customer's business model and financial requirements.  Featuring three service levels, Celerity Consulting’s flexible solutions enhance the value of our aviation and aerospace aftermarket customers. Our service delivery modules include: 

1) Full management services -- complete staffing and solutions delivery by the Celerity Team; 
2) Captive services -- our team members and subject matter experts are integrated into your team; 
3) Hybrid captive model – Celerity builds out your team and delivers a fully operational business function ready for integration into your system once it is meeting your objectives. 

We work with our clients to define processes and desired outcomes, as well as design measurable metrics, assuring we meet those objectives and exceed our customers’ expectations. 

Our Core Focus

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