Converting Under-Utilized Passenger Aircraft into Air Freighters Makes a Lot of Sense

Consider some of the latest news from The Boeing Company…

  • ASL Orders Up to 20 Additional 737-800 Boeing Converted Freighters to Drive Environmental Sustainability
  • DHL Express Places New Order for Six Additional 777 Freighters
  • Boeing and Ethiopian Airlines Announce Order for Five 777 Freighters

These are encouraging signs for the continued growth, post covid, of air freight shipping and related logistics These new orders are no doubt a leading indicator that shippers are or will be seeking to expand their air freight business, putting pressure on air freight transporters to keep pace with increased demand. However, ordering a new freighter for future delivery can mean a wait of several years.

With expanding air freight opportunities knocking, the time is right to accelerate the growth of converting existing, under-utilized passenger aircraft to a freighter to take advantage of this market trend. In addition to full-door conversion, there are a large number of express freight options for a variety of aircraft platforms. The challenge is finding the right aircraft, the right business model and the right slot to get the aircraft conversion completed. 

Celerity is well positioned to assist you in undertaking your conversion projects or delivering a converted aircraft. We manage the entire process, nose to tail, from flight ferrying through retrofitting to full flight certification and delivery, thereby helping clients turn a passenger aircraft that’s gathering dust in the desert into a revenue-producing, cargo-hauling freighter. 

Cargo conversions take far less time and allow asset owners to realize a return much more quickly, while also removing a non-performing asset from inventory. Ask us how Celerity can help you convert a passenger carrier into cash.


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